The Pretzel Hold
There was a young wrestler who was so good he never lost at the amateur level . He was NCAA champion. Goes to the Olympics and wins the gold medal. He decides to turn pro and is beating everyone he fights there.
The one problem is he can not get the champ to give him a match. The champ had a hold he called the pretzel hold that no one had ever gotten out of. So the young guy every time he was on TV would say he could get out of the pretzel hold. People start screaming at the champ at every match he has to give the young guy a shot.
Finally the champ gives him a match and the young guy goes into training. Everyday in training his manager tells him "Whatever you do don't let him get you in the pretzel hold. If you do it is all over. No one has ever gotten out of it." He hears it every day.
The day of the match comes and the young guy is doing great. It looks like he is going to win when all of a sudden the champ gets him in the pretzel hold. His manager says that's is and throws his towel down and starts to walk away when he hears a blood curdling scream and the crowd is going wild. The manager turns around and his guy has won the match.
The manager runs into the ring jumping up and down. " How did you do it?" he asks. "No one has ever done that before". The young guy tells him, "Well there I was laying on the floor wrapped up like a pretzel. I saw a pair of balls hanging in my face, so I bit them."
"You would be surprised how much strength you get when you bite yourself in the balls."