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Old 02-26-2009, 01:42 PM   #16
Primitive Screwhead
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Default Re: Man gets a ticket for being a good samaritan

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe View Post
If you judge this incident in a totally technical sense, he should have been charged with assault and possibly battery when he pushed the ladies from in front of the vehicle. If motivation is removed, his actions were clearly assault. The same could be said for Fire Trucks headed to a fire that exceed the posted speed. Technically, they are breaking the law.

As the other articles demonstrate, the driver took extraordinary means to run into this group by driving around stopped traffic.

Either way, I would believe his actions were justifiable in this circumstance.
My .
Is it extraordinary means to drive in the left turn lane?

"A driver of a truck was driving in the turn lane to turn from Federal onto 63rd. The report says the driver didn't see the pedestrians until it was too late. He swerved to avoid them but hit Moffett with the right front of his Dodge pickup."

The trooper puts it best.

"We don't ever want to see tragedies like this happen. That is why we can't stress enough for people to be careful and always use crosswalks," Trooper Ryan Sullivan with the Colorado State Patrol said. "We understand Mr. Moffett was doing something with great intentions, but it was still dangerous for anyone to be in the road."
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