Originally Posted by Darrell
I believe that regardless if the person is jay walking or not, the driver is required to yield to them. I may be wrong, but that's how it is in CA and I believe the same goes for CO and other states. 
Pretty much CA... Most states it's ileagal to cross the street other than at the corner and with the correct light.
I ran over a jogger in 1981 when the asshole ran out in front of my pickup truck about a week after I got there for a Navy school in San Diego. Even had I known of the law, all of Newton's laws, the laws of gravity, speed, distance, dry pavement would not have helped him. There was no way to stop in time. Lucky for him he bounced off the hood and didn't dent it. I also believe in Darwinism, his gene pool needed a little thinning if he thought he was tougher than my Ford PU.
If the below article is accurate, it doesn't talk about lights, crosswalks, etc. he also is a good candidate for his gene pool to be thinned out. He was only a good Samaritan in that he took the hit rather than the ladies. If people choose to walk out in front of 3000 lb vehicles, they loose. Ya just can't fix stupid regardless as to good intentions.