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Old 02-26-2009, 10:40 AM   #75
Crotchety Geezer
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Default Re: Mikes Cigars loses Oliva.

Originally Posted by Legend View Post

Oliva pulled mikes account because he violated his contract.
I haven't read Mike's contract with Olivia .... have you?

You can't reformat the reason to make it sound stupid to try to make your case. Well I guess you can, because you did. But you now what I mean.
Sound stupid? This is about Olivia wanting price fixing and non-competitive selling of their cigars. I disagree with this completely.

Oliva is making a business decision. First you have to say to yourself. Ok they are not morons. They run a multi-million dollar company.
I would absolutely NOT say that. I have not met the Olivias to say one way or the other. However, idiotic business decisions are made all over this country on a daily basis. Can you say "New Coke?".

They must have good reasons to have these clauses in their contracts with sellers. I won't repeat them all here but they are listed in the post. Value of cigar. Local shops etc. Etc.
Some competitor squealed on Mike's and complained that they were undercutting their price. I prefer capitalism and competition in the marketplace, not communistic pricing practices. I won't buy more Olivias as a result of this, but I doubt that will make a dime's difference in their bottom line. I really don't care, it is the principle.
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