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Old 02-26-2009, 07:25 AM   #6
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Default Re: Martial Arts - What Do/Did You Study

shorinji ryu - 8 years - black belt - shaolin temple family / forest
okinawan kobudo - 6 years - black belt - weaponry
iaido - 4 years - traditional japanese swordsmanship
daito ryu - 4 years - hard version of aikido
aikido - 4 years
tai chi - 3 years - unsure of style
ground fighting / some type of jitsu - 4 years
Ki - a mix of japanese and chinese instruction
modern arnis - 4 years

The school I was in had a few specializations which allowed us to learn multiple styles at the same time, and had a lot of special events with instructors coming in. I also traveled a bit and trained under various schools with a few other people from my school.
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