Originally Posted by SeanGAR
So let me get this straight.
Olivia thinks Mike's sells their cigars to customers too cheaply? So where is the problem? Olivia not know we're in a recession? Like a lot of people my raise this year is a big fat zero, but I'm not complaining, at least I have a job. Real estate taxes are up. Food prices are up. Beer is up. Gas is up. Health insurance cost up, benefits down ... and on and on.
And Olivia pulls somebody's account because I can get their cigars cheaper at that vendor? Most of the V prices there are MSRP minus 10%. I ask again, where is the problem? There is no competition whatsoever between my local B&M and Mike's. I buy singles and odd items at my B&M because I like to support them. If I buy a box online, I price shop and get it the cheapest place that has what I want in stock.
All Olivia is doing is making people pay more for cigars. Good job *ss****s.

I couldn't say it any better than this Sean. Definitely a place for both online and B&M cigars. +
As far as Bose speakers, Rolex, etc, I am not a fan of price fixing. Let a product stand on it's quality and the selling company's service.