OK, here we go.
Dog Rocket #12
From Silound's description: Cuvee Blanc from the DR. Biggest disappointment ever to me, because I’ve had a decent Cuvee in the past. Worst branded cigar I’ve had in ages.
My take: A big solomon-sized cigar with what appears to be a Connecticut wrapper. A nice looking cigar, really, though I am more of a "traditionalist" when it comes to cigar shapes. I tend to pass on the funny looking cigars.

Pre-light draw is leather and tobacco.
First few draws are not bad at all. Fairly typical flavor for a mild Connecticut wrap cigar.
One of the reasons I pass on funny shaped cigars is that from my experience they are more prone to burn problems, and this one is no different. Burning crooked right from the start. The wrapper is splitting ahead of the burn too.
Out of curiousity I looked up this line of cigars, specifically this cigar, and found that it sells for around $11 per stick. If I pay that much money for something I'm going to light on fire, it had better perform flawlessly, and the Cuvee Blanc Salomon gets a big FAIL. The wrapper has now fully exploded, so much that the binder is bulging out. Surprisingly though the burn is no longer crooked!
About 2" in....flavor-wise, a big "meh". I've smoked Dominican bundle cigars that tasted better than this. Flavor is mild and kinda flat. Whoever came up with this blend should be ashamed of themselves. It's pretty hard to f**k up a mild Connecticut wrap cigar, but the Cuvee Blanc manages to do it. I can think of at least a dozen cigars that offer a similar but better flavor profile at a fraction of the price of this stogie-log. Rather than spending $11 on this big air stick I could buy 5 Flor de Oliva Golds and they are a better cigar!
Holy crap! While I was talking smack, the burn line passed the huge split and now the cigar is looking and burning normally. Too bad it didn't improve the flavor. Still not much flavor, no depth or dimension, just warm smoke and a teeny bit of nuttiness in the nose exhale.
A little more than halfway through, the cigar picks up a little flavor. A flavor of burning paper!

Wow, I can't believe how quickly this thing turned from flavorless to awful. Burning paper in the nose exhale with a finish of BITTER. It is leaving a bitter aftertaste. Yuck! I will try a flame purge.
WOW...usually a flame purge will get rid of some bitterness and sometimes improve the flavor of a cigar. It had the OPPOSITE effect on this one. Now it tastes worse!

This cigar is a joke.
I made it down to about 2" before tapping out.
Conclusion: Dog Rocket for sure. If I shelled out $11 for this, it would make me want to poop in a box, put the cigar band on the turd, and send it to the manufacturer.