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Old 02-23-2009, 07:49 PM   #51
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Default Re: How do you organize your humidor?

At present I am running two large desktops and 2 coolers. One desktop has all singles 5.5" and over and the other one has all singles under 5.5". Stuff that I don't smoke too often and I only have a couple of go into a box in the cooler that is labelled loose singles. Most overstock is in original boxes and is part of an ongoing Tetris game that will be played again Friday when an order comes in. One hint for cooler Tetris fans, Indian Tabac Classic Tomahawk boxes are perfect for holding an entire box of 25 toros in less space than a normal cigar box-they look more like an index card file box and can fit almost anywhere.
Jimmy, some of its magic, some of its tragic, but I had a good life all the way. He Went to Paris, J. Buffett
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