Just got a new phone a week ago, and this one takes better pictures. Here's my Vino and the cooler that fits under the Vino table that holds my NC.s

Top layer - Hoyo box holds various singles that I'm smoking, a pound of beads, some random singles.
Second layer - Cabs (or DB's put into cab's) for aging. 1 gallon ziplock bag and some tape keeps them nice and neat. Not sure why I am keeping an Oust fan there.
Third layer - Two cabs, 6 dress boxes, all bagged and tagged, and another pound of beads. Some of these I am holding for coworkers or friends that don't have room. I think two boxes might have mixed cigars that I threw in there for aging.
Bottomlayer - Hard to see but it's a bunch of nicer NC singles; Opus, Padron Anny's, Tat's, etc...
Before I bagged everything, opening the Vino had a very distinct and strong smell. Not so much now that everything is bagged, and I go through these every few months. Opening a bag though that's been sitting there for only a month smells absolutely amazing.

A cooler I purchased that fits perfectly under my Vino table. Holds NC in 3 cedar trays with about half a pound of beads and an Oust fan.