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Old 02-20-2009, 03:16 PM   #346
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
check out they have all kinds of cool stuff and survival gear.

most I ever carry is an extra speedloader for my 38 sp, which is rare.

I figure if I need more than 5 shots, I am in a gunfight that I should have run from and will likely die from anyway.

Speaking of ammo, has anyone else noticed a big shortage?
I've been trying to find the Speer Gold Dot short barrels for a month with no luck.

Elderboy recommened them and research and talking has proven they are indeed best, although I wasn't really doubting him.

I guess Federal and Speer are the same company, so Federal Hydra Shocks it is until I can find Speers....
Cheaperthandirt does have a lot of stuff, but I will not buy from them because of what they did after the election.

Have you checked for the speers. Thats where I get mine.