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Old 02-19-2009, 07:57 PM   #2
Cashmere Jungle Lord
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Default Re: Vacum Sealed bags for your boxes... good or ba

IMO- I would never do this unless I was sure of the humidity inside that bag. From what you are saying they are coming in these bags so you have no idea what the humidity is inside. (too high = mold, beetles, the list goes on)

Now, if you took them out and let them adjust to a paritcular humidity for a few months and then sealed them... that would be a different story.

But, even if you do the process of adjusting and sealing yourself... you would still want to keep them inside something sealed just in case you had a pinhole in one of the bags..... (wouldn't that suck. Wait 15 years to open what you thought was going to be a great smoke and it's nothing but dried up pooh or beetle infested saw dust)

Then you could put a hygro inside the bag when you seal it, but, then the battery would die and you couldn't change it. etc...etc....
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