Originally Posted by Jimbo14
However I will often 'nose inhale' the second hand smoke from the cigar to really enjoy the aroma.
I do that, too.
Did ya ever notice that the burning end is sometimes really nasty but the smoked end is always nice? It's interesting to me how much stuff gets filtered out by pulling the smoke through the cigar.
I notice if I take a haul and hold the cigar with the tip angling down that the smoke in the cigar will sometimes weep out real slow so I can get a nice long "look".

I have to be real careful smelling the burning end cause that smoke is usually very strong and burns my eyes.
Originally Posted by TOB9595
Yes. This is a normal way for me to experience the tastes of the cigar. I also chew the smoke..like with chewing wine....to bring out flavors that I may be missing otherwise.
I chew my cigars like they're scrap chewing tobacco. I get so gross sometimes that the slobber runs down the cigar and puts it out.

I've been making a conscious effort to "clean it up" when I'm smoking with other people so that I can share and try their cigar. When I get it wet I roll the cigar on my pantsleg to dry it up.
I'm still not very good at it.