Novasurf, I got a new answer machine yesterday. I'll give you a shout.

Hey guys, This past month was a real bust for me. I was dogged by respiratory infection/s that drove me to my knees. I'd feel cocky when I started to feel better and go out or stress myself so I relapsed...DUH!!!!
I really am the poster child for NOT 40 ANYMORE.
I didn't have the strength for most of my illness to even make coffee...
I am VERY apologetic to anyone I backed up with not getting this out. Truth is I am just now starting to use it.
I am wondering if it's worth the effort to press and then add water. Not too much different, I think, from getting used to the grind and amount of water/bean to use for my proper cup. Taste and amount.
I propose to youse that I ship this off to the next guy in one week.
Is that ok?
PM is a fine knuckle let me know that I am off base in continuing to use this.
Public admonistration is ok too.
PM me please, as I will continue to use this filter for another week, otherwise.
Thanks for understanding. I did think I might die, during this last bout of respiratory illness, once or twice.....My Son in the Air Force would have gotten the pass back on track in that event...
No fears there.
thank youse