Originally Posted by Raralith
I just looked up French Inhale and it looks pretty cool. Do ya'll inhale the cigar smoke though? I can barely inhale a draw without choking so I don't know how people could inhale the whole thing through their nose unless they usually inhale.
You just meter how much you accept up your nose.
If I'm getting too much I just turn my head. I release it from my mouth very slowly, kind of by just closing my mouth real slow.
I'm sure I look ridiculous, but it's a whole 'nother sensory experience.
It's especially fun with flavored cigars because they taste totally different snorked, mouthed or french inhaled.
Add to that smelling the raw smoke off the end of the cigar and smelling the drawn smoke that wafts out of the back of the cigar after a drag, and I get five very different experiences from the smoke.
Six if you count the smoke burning my eyes, I suppose.