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Old 02-18-2009, 10:05 AM   #64
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Default Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by rizzle View Post
It is my belief that all cigars are made to be smoked how the owner of the cigar pleases regardless of where the tobacco was grown. Just because tobacco was grown on one island versus another doesn't mean it should be smoked differently. That is an argument that makes no sense.

And I'm not directing this at you Andy. Your post just summed up what I think Klugs was looking for.
I don't speak for Klugs but I don't think thats exactly what he was looking for.

Before last years shak I didn't nose smoke. And tho I'd made a concious decision to move heavily into CCs I still smoked and loved an occasional NC. Then I learned to smoke and some curious things happened:

1. I saw the flavor of a lot of cigars, or rather what I thought was the flavor, be tremendously expanded.

2. I later found cigars that I thought were great were actually not so great.

3. I also later found the inverse to be true, lots of cigars I didnt appreciate as much became real stars via snorking.

I might not phrase it that CCs were made for snorking, but it does allow the smoker to really see what people mean when they talk about the depth and complexity that CCs offer over NCs. If you don't snork, I don't know that you'll ever really see this.
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