Originally Posted by nozero
Since I don't intentionally inhale cigar smoke, I guess not. The few times I've inhaled cigar smoke, even my own passive smoke, it gags me badly. I've always heard that cigar smoke is high in alkalinity and very harsh. Add he fact that I have emphysema and have had my right upper lung lobe removed, it's probably not a good idea for me, but to each their own.
But I do pass smoke from my mouth out through my nose (snorking?), so I guess yes? Then, if it burns, I quit or do it a lot less frequently. With milder cigars, I tend to do this quite a bit.
You don't have to inhale into the lungs to exhale out through the nose. Read the smoking technique thread. I finally got the technique down and it's like I never smoked cigars before...well worth the practice.