Originally Posted by
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.
Originally Posted by Don Fernando
It's pretty easy.
WIthout a cigar...
1. Close your mouth tight and breathe in and out of your nose.
after a few times...
2. Open your jaw as far as it will go without seperating/opening your lips and keep inhaleing and exhaling through your nose.
after a few times....
3. add to the above puffing out your cheeks as far as you can without breaking the seal of your lips. Holding air in your mouth like a balloon. If you do it well you can create/feel the pressure on your cheeks independent of breathing in and out of your nose.
after a few times....
4. Take a full nasal inhale independent of but with your cheeks nice and full of air. On the exhale concentrate closing your jaw tight, defalating your cheeks and minimizing the airspace left in your mouth. Think about using your tongue to force the air up and back it might help.
If you got your cheeks to deflate and your mouth to close up without leaking any air through your lips.. you just did a nasal exhale. The air that was pressurizing your cheeks had to go somewhere.

The key at first is to make sure your lungs are full so that you have the airway moving. After a bit of practice you can get the air/smoke out of your mouth thru your nose starting with empty lungs.