Last week I was driving north on I-29 to a job in Council Bluffs IA. While driving I had couple cups of coffee, of course the urge hit and there was no rest stop immediately available. The next exit on the road was Hamburg IA, so I get off the interstate and drive into town to find a gas station. Not seeing one I find a nice antique store so I go in there to use the facilities and figure while there I look around.
I came across a nice pipe rack and 5 nice pipes. Nothing special but for the price I had to get them.

A couple Dr. Grabow Grand Duke's, a Medico Cavalier, and a "Dr Medico" Cavalier??

. The top left pipe is marked Medico Cavalier on the bowl but has a Dr. Grabow spade trademark on the stem. But it fits great. I will give a test smoke in a couple days after it dries out from the salt and rum treatment.
The fifth pipe is a Savinelli Punto Oro, 802. The bit is oxidized and has a chip but worth the $7.00 price tag, I think. Savinelli's web site has a price of $25.00 for a new mouthpiece.