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Old 02-11-2009, 03:00 PM   #7
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Default Re: Check out the new podcast!

Originally Posted by the nub View Post
Good effort guys.

I think you need to shorten it up and highlight your topics at the beginning of the broadcast. A bit too much rambling IMO. Great for people who know you but for me, I had no idea where you were leading the conversation and if I should stick around.
Thank You for your constructive observations. We appreciate this very much and this is the kind of stuff that it will take to build a better podcast. We will keep the next epi to 1 hrs and no more. Just wondering how long folks would like to listen? Maybe a poll is in order.

Future shows will have a focus for sure. As a matter of fact in the next show part of the focus will be lighters. oops, did I let another cat out of the bag. Doh!

Hopefully we can remedy that not knowing us part

Thanks Again,
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