That's a tough one. Everyone is different, and there are so many different ways that work for each, it seems. I've quit smoking about 20 years ago, and it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.
To me, smoking cigarettes and cigars are so different from each other, that I truly believe that you could smoke cigars and not have it affect the other.
But, it's so important to quit smoking, that it's probably not worth taking the chance. Especially with the health problems you've already gone through.
For me, there were 3 distinct periods.
3 weeks and I felt I really had it under control. But I made it to 3 weeks many times in the past.
3 months and the cravings were pretty much gone.
1 year and I
knew I wasn't going back. Of course, when I quit, I didn't smoke cigars then. So I'm not 100% sure if this would help or make you slide back.
The more time you can put after your last cigarette, the better.

Good luck