Originally Posted by Parshooter
That's strange. I've always believed that humidity will fall, therefore the bottom should have more humidity than the top. Check your cigars. Do the cigars at the top level feel the same as the ones on the bottom? Maybe you should invest in a nice digital hygrometer as well.
there is more humidty on top, and the cigars are a bit softer up top when i do the squeeze test. i should have also mentioned that both hygros are digital.
Originally Posted by Prospector
Have you tried swapping the two hygros, just as a sanity check on their operation? It would be interesting to see how they read then.
yes, i have done this and they (respectively) tell me that there is mroe humidity on top.
Rarilith, i appreciate your advice on the beads but i'm not ready to go that route.
My basic question to everyone who is trying to help is this... Will the RH even out top-to-bottom if i get some circulation going in there? shoudl i put the fan up high or down low.
I've used beads and other types of passive humidification which didn't produce what i wanted and as of right now i'm never looking back.