Thread: Lancero love
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Old 12-30-2024, 09:27 PM   #208
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Default Re: Lancero love

Smoking another Murcielago lancero.

These are 'stronger' than the toro (my other favorite size in this line). But this cigar is noticeably milder than the last one I smoked, as were the last few toros I smoked. It seems like these mellow quite a bit with humidor time.

And I am not complaining. I have loved these cigars in every incarnation they've been in over the years, and I really think that this latest blend might be my favorite. From my experience, most cigar lines that change manufacturers/blends never live up to their former glory. This version of Murcielago are definitely an exception.

REALLY tasty smoke. Typical maduro flavors of cocoa/coffee/coconut, but with a distinct tangy flavor on the finish. Looking at my previous reviews of this cigar, I described a floral flavor/aroma from the foot. I am not getting that on this cigar. The aroma coming from the foot of this cigar is woodsy. Slow burn. I've recently been thinking of my 'top 10' cigars, and this may be one of them.

I think I have 2 sealed boxes of these in the cabinet. I may have to snag one more, because I have COCD (Cigar Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
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