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Old 10-02-2024, 09:41 PM   #5
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Re: Warped Don Reynaldo Regalos

So I ended up buying 2 boxes of these at different times. Piece of advice: sign up for alerts and check Cigar Page often. I scored these for like 30% off earlier this year.

GOOD LORD, what a fantastic little smoke. If you were to hand me one of these with no band, and told me that it contained Cuban tobacco, I would believe it. The depth of flavor of this cigar is something that VERY FEW NCs are able to achieve. It's something that (until recently) I've only experienced with CCs. Some people call it 'the twang'. I call it 'the thing'. And this cigar has it. To my palate, it's more of a sensation than an identifiable flavor. It's a depth to the flavor. I can't describe it with words. Smoke a Don Reynaldo and you'll get it.

OK, enough of me trying to describe something that is indescribable.

This is an amazing cigar. This cigar is why we get into this sh*t.

There are cigars, which are great. Then there are experiences. The Don Reynaldo is an experience.

To those who only smoke CCs: try this one. Trust me. They've almost nailed it.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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