Thread: LONSDALE love!
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Old 07-02-2024, 10:28 AM   #50
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Default Re: LONSDALE love!

National Brand Connecticut Lonsdale (6 x 42)

I used to smoke these back when I was a broke noob. They were $2.99 at the B&M. Recently, I needed $10 more to get free shipping on an order from Famous, and for some reason, these popped into my head. A fiver for $11.99? It was fate.

I had forgotten 2 things about these. The sweet cap, and how well they are made.

The sweet cap used to bug me, but now I kinda like it once in a while as a change of pace. It's a nice contrast with black coffee.

Now onto the quality. This cigar is flawless. Nice looking wrapper with no blemishes. No lumps. Heavy in the hand. Good draw. It's still surprising to me after all these years to find a cheap cigar with this level of quality. By the bundle, these are $2.40/a stick at Famous.

Great flavor. Nothing mind-blowing, of course. It's a pretty common and typical flavor profile. Mild CT wrap cigar. But it has enough flavor to keep your attention and it's very smooth.

Ya know what? I may have to snag a bundle or 5 of these. And add a 5 pack of the maduros.
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