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Old 05-10-2024, 01:13 PM   #27
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Re: Fountain Pens & Fine Writing

There is a custom penmaker down in SoCal, Atalier Lusso, that I have been a big fan of for some time. His design, fit and finish, etc. are all above and beyond.

My favorite color is green, and I have had my eye on a particlar model from him with green abalone and dark green resin. The pens are made by hand one at a time, so they only become availabe sporadically.

Well, he shared that he was finisheing the model I have been wanting on IG, so I did a thing.

There is a pic that I took and I will include a couple from his IG as well that show how the light catches the abalone much better.

Atalier Lusso
Carina Ragazzone
Deep Green Abalone / Midnight Green Resin
Bronze trim
Medium nib

"Me fail English? Unpossible!"
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