Originally Posted by Mister Moo
(The hopelessly opinioned loudmouthed self-styled coffee azzozole sez) The FF X-5 is a piece of counter decoration for metropolitan upscale coffee-posers.

What do yens really think???
Originally Posted by jrw
So, my local paper has a full-page ad in the Sunday magazine from illy: "Enjoy cafe-quality espresso for less than $1 a cup" and the offer is for a Francis Francis X5 machine and 4 cappuccino cups ($678 value) for $150, when you agree to purchase 4 cans a month of coffee in the next year.
So, this question coming from a guy currently using a moka pot, is this a worthwhile machine, or is the no free lunch axiom in play here?
Here's the illy site: http://www.illyusa.com/webapp/wcs/st...anding_0=PLAF9
Just goes to show you, ya beat the bushes with a coffee question around here and you scare up a covey of Lizard Lickers. Haven't seen Dan-O multiple post like this in awhile -- must be he is opining strongly on this one. I'd take the advice to the bank......