Thread: Lancero love
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Old 01-13-2024, 09:09 PM   #200
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Default Re: Lancero love

La Palina Mr. Sam lancero 7" x 38

I'm always wanting to try cigars made in 'Merica, so I added a fiver of these to a recent Cigar Page order.

Nice looking cigar. Smooth surface, nice wrapper.

Pre-light draw is pretty tight. Ran the PerfecDraw all the way in and it only helped minimally.

Flavor-wise, this is a fantastic cigar. Nice sweet tobacco flavor in the first 1/3, nice depth to the flavor that lingers on the palate between draws. Nice smoke volume despite the tight draw. In the second 1/3, a nice spice comes through that isn't harsh at all. Sweetness has subsided. Last 1/3, a really unique flavor comes in. Like a steak?!?! A sort of salty beefy blood flavor! Never tasted that in a cigar before. Not sure I like it. But maybe that's just because it's new. The draw doesn't improve at all.

It was also a very slow burning cigar. Smoke time was about 1 hr 20 min.

It loses points for the tight draw and several burn corrections. But I feel like maybe I didn't let these rest long enough and maybe the internal humidity is still too high. I'm gonna let the rest sleep for a few months.
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