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Old 12-15-2023, 08:11 PM   #26
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Default Re: Warped Cloud Hopper No. 53

Smoking another one of these now. Great little smoke.

But I have a gripe with Warped.

Since trying my first Cloud Hopper, I've tried a bunch of other Warped blends, and A LOT of them have had tight draws. Like, probably 1/3 of them. No exaggeration. It's bad enough that at one point, I was like, "Are these being rolled by Cubans?" (If you know, you know)

Out of all these Cloud Hoppers I bought, I'd say 25% of them were just plain rolled too tight. The PerfecDraw can only do so much.

This particular cigar, however, is absolutely fantastic in every way. If Warped gets their QC dialed in, they could very possibly become my favorite cigar manufacturer.
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