Originally Posted by icehog3
Nice haul James! Curious to hear your thoughts on the Old Scout and Old Elk picks.
It was a good day at Binny's, they released Stagg 22B and 23A, Blanton's Straight From the Barrel and Blanton's Gold. Catch was you could only take one of the four. I grabbed the SFTB and floored i to the next nearest Binny's, where I grabbed Stagg 22B. It was $60 and the secondary market for it around here is $250, so I saved a pretty penny.

Nice catch. I keep missing the Stagg drops here, but it seems they are getting put out every other month. I still have a couple of B13-16 bottles in my collection.
Fulfilled a local guy's wish for a couple of black cap Early Times last week. I think I still have a case of it. Grabbed a EHT SmB this week, but honestly, I haven't been hunting too much lately.