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Old 06-06-2023, 08:45 AM   #18
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Default Re: Air travel & cigars

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
Just got back from a recent trip -- utilized carry-ons only:

* No issue with my cigars packed in a travel humidor (I did transit customs on the way back and indicated I was returning with cigars I had brought with me & not purchased abroad. No issue there either.)

* I usually bring a guillotine style cutter and have never had an issue there. Usually, I bring a cheapie just in case. I did have a bag inspection caused by a pair of folding cigar scissors a couple years back. I stopped bringing those as a result.

* I frequently pack a cheap torch lighter in my carry on and leave it in my dopp kit. Have not yet had it confiscated though I suppose it's just a matter of time. Quoting Jack's reply because this is the system I used until the device went belly up, and I was too cheap to but another. One note though - not all soft flame lighters will work in the SOTO, Definitely research the brands that do if you go this route and bring multiples as I noticed issues with some working with the SOTO and some not even within the same package of lighters.

* When checking bags - everything goes in there.
Vin, for the SOTO, I was having the same issue of some lighters not working. Try turning up the gas and they should work. Just take the metal guard off and adjust the flame height knob to give more fuel.
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