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Old 06-06-2023, 07:55 AM   #17
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Default Re: Air travel & cigars

Originally Posted by Buckeye Jack View Post
Search "SOTO Pocket Torch w/Refillable Lighter" on can carry on or check a soft flame lighter, which is what the insert is. The rest of it just leave in two pieces. I always carry my traveldor just because I don't trust security not to take a cigar (or 2 or 3). I've never had any problems putting a guillotine in my bathroom bag either as carry on or checked.
Just got back from a recent trip -- utilized carry-ons only:

* No issue with my cigars packed in a travel humidor (I did transit customs on the way back and indicated I was returning with cigars I had brought with me & not purchased abroad. No issue there either.)

* I usually bring a guillotine style cutter and have never had an issue there. Usually, I bring a cheapie just in case. I did have a bag inspection caused by a pair of folding cigar scissors a couple years back. I stopped bringing those as a result.

* I frequently pack a cheap torch lighter in my carry on and leave it in my dopp kit. Have not yet had it confiscated though I suppose it's just a matter of time. Quoting Jack's reply because this is the system I used until the device went belly up, and I was too cheap to but another. One note though - not all soft flame lighters will work in the SOTO, Definitely research the brands that do if you go this route and bring multiples as I noticed issues with some working with the SOTO and some not even within the same package of lighters.

* When checking bags - everything goes in there.
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