Thread: LONSDALE love!
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Old 03-31-2023, 09:05 PM   #38
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Default Re: LONSDALE love!

Smoking another Siboney Reserve lonsdale from Aganorsa.

Is it possible for a cigar to smell better than it tastes? I mean, this cigar tastes great, but the aroma coming from the foot of this thing is absolutely amazing. Not only would your wife NOT complain about the smell of these things, she would probably tell you that it smells OK! No BS!

All jokes aside, solid smoke. This is the only size I've tried, because I decided I was sick of 50+ ring gauge cigars. This specific cigar has been nekkid in the humi for at least a year. Decent burn, a couple of corrections required. Full side of medium "strength." Starts off a bit woodsy, then pretty typical Nicaraguan spice flavors. No major flavor changes except the transition from wood to spice.

No ammonia, even at the nub, which I feel like I should make a point of saying.
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