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Old 03-23-2023, 08:27 PM   #1
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Warped Don Reynaldo Regalos

5 x 46

I ended up with a single of these, somehow. Probably a drunk Cigar Page order. I remember wanting to try them cuz there's this dude on YouTube who exposes vendors of fake Cuban cigars, and he said they're one of the only NCs he smokes. Since we all know what type of snobby, uppity, judgemental, pinky extended while they smoke mfs CC smokers are, that's quite an endorsement.

Well constructed, nice draw, crooked burn. Starts out with a nice flavor. No harshness through the nose.

No joke, this is one of those NCs that *almost* nails that CC flavor. Like if you handed me one of these, told me it was a custom roll, and gave me some BS story about them containing half a leaf of Cuban tobacco, I'd probably believe it. Baking spice and floral are the dominant flavors. In the second half, anise on the finish. Burn gets better around halfway.

Overall, quite a nice little cigar. I'd love to try this blend in a lancero or lonsdale.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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