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Old 08-31-2022, 07:33 PM   #5360
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 View Post
Reverse seared a 2” thick ribeye on the pellet smoker/gas grill. About 1.5 hours on the pellet smoker on high smoke to an internal temp of ~115? Finished on the ripping hot gas grill. Wow! Love this method. First time trying it. Will be doing again. First I’ll have to clean the gas grill. Had a massive grease fire. Lol.
I've been doing that method with really thick steaks and rib roasts for a couple of years now, and yep, it's fantastic. I smoke to IT 118F, let it rest for an hour tented in foil, then blast it on a screaming hot grill for about a minute to a minute and a half a side.

I've also done it in the oven when the weather was severely uncooperative. 225F oven until internal temp of 118F, rest, then crank the oven to its highest setting and finish for about five minutes or until the outside is as desired.
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