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Old 08-10-2022, 08:03 PM   #4
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: Music Performances That Made You React Emotionally

Good choices guys. James, I don’t know the song, but I had a Devin Townsend vid in my YouTube feed yesterday. I watched some but will need to see if I can find it again, plus look for Kingdom. I remember him from his Vai days also. Guys has some pipes, plus a really good guitar player.

Marc, Floor is incredible. I believe the Nightwish CD I have is her singing. She’s also been on The Charismatic Voice YouTube channel (opera singer who more than reacts to other singers/bands).

I’d have to say for me the one memory that still gives me tears is listening to TSO, Christmas Eve and Other Stories. Took my Mom to see them a couple of times. Never knew she liked rock operas, or maybe she was humoring me. One year I scored front row center seats. That was the year my Mom was dealing with cancer. She had a blast seeing the show that close.

A close second is remembering seeing Rush at the old Palace venue, north of Detroit. Alex Lifeson standing in a wall of light, playing his solo during Limelight.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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