Thread: Lancero love
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Old 07-04-2022, 09:27 PM   #135
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Default Re: Lancero love

Toasty Jones maduro lancero (7" x 40)

I hit Cigar Page for some PG juice for my electric humidifier, and checked out their current promotions. One of them was for Toasty Jones cigars, definitely a candidate for worst cigar name ever. But they had bundles of lanceros for $45, so I was like, "F**k it, I'll gamble $45."

This cigar has been out of the cello and in the humi for exactly 2 days, after spending 2 days in the freezer and 1 day in the fridge.

First things first. Appearance and construction. These are some nice looking cigars. The wrappers look evenly aged and aren't super blemished. You can tell that they didn't use sh*t wrapper tobacco. A nice weight in the hand for such a small ring gauge. Easy cut and perfect draw. This is important for smaller RG cigars. You can tell a lot about the talent of an individual torcedor by how well they construct smaller ring gauge cigars.

First few draws...straightforward CIGAR flavor. Tobacco and spice.

About 1" in...NICE! Good burn with zero corrections needed so far. Pretty typical maduro flavors. Tobacco, unsweetened cocoa. Fuller side of medium 'strength' through the nose.

About 2" in...very light gray ash still holding on. Dominant flavors are the same, but a coconut flavor has come in on the finish; again pretty typical for a maduro wrap cigar. Nice smoke so far. No burn corrections needed at this point. As I type with the cigar between my teeth, the aroma is VERY nice. So nice, in fact, that your wife might not even complain about it.

Around halfway...1 minor burn correction. Dominant flavors and aromas are still the same, just kicked up a notch. Typical maduro flavors of coffee, cocoa, coconut. The nicotine content in this cigar is pretty high. It's giving me a bit of a buzz, and that hasn't happened in YEARS. So be forewarned.

A little past halfway...this is a nice smoke, especially for the price. I would enter this cigar into a blind taste test, then laugh my ass off at everyone who guessed it was a Padron. No major flavor changes, but a sweetness has started showing up on the draw.

Toward the more burn corrections required, which is awesome. Same dominant flavors, with the sweetness on the draw becoming a bit more pronounced. I let this one die at around 1.5."

Final muthaf**kas better not buy all these before I have a chance to buy 20 more bundles!
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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