Thread: LONSDALE love!
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Old 05-10-2022, 08:55 PM   #30
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Default Re: LONSDALE love!

Plasencia Reserva Original corona

This cigar is 6.5" x 44, so I'm calling it a lonsdale.

The Reserva Original line has an interesting history. They used to be called Reserva Organica and were touted as the only organic cigar on the market. They were also, as far as I remember, only available from Famous Smoke Shop. I used to smoke the sh*t outta the torpedoes and they were one of my favorite cigars. There was also a short lived 'Edicion Limitada 2001' that came in boxes of 15, were a bit more pricey than the regular line, and were, no joke, one of the best cigars I've ever smoked. Looking at the Plasencia website, these are no longer called 'organic.' It may be a legal thing, or maybe they aren't organic anymore. Who knows.

This cigar tastes different from the original blend. There's a bit more 'strength', and it's not as smooth as the old ones. Construction/burn/draw are all top notch. Zero burn corrections required, which is honestly quite amazing. As far as flavor goes, it's a pretty straightforward tobacco flavor. The originals had a nutty/woodsy flavor that I enjoyed very much.

This was not a bad smoke, but to my palate the blend is definitely different. I still have a few of the old Reserva Organicas left. I may have to do a comparison.
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