Thread: Engine braking
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Old 04-06-2022, 10:12 AM   #12
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Default Re: Engine braking

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
I get both sides. From the trucker's perspective, you can't go downhill simply riding the brakes all the time, especially mountains and such. Your brakes will fail. Just towing my 5th wheel through parts of Tennessee and northern Alabama have heated my brakes up more than I like. Warped one set of rotors on my truck.

However, if it's flat land and near residential areas I get it. Nothing like that noise at 3AM 100ft outside your window, loud enough to wake the dead.
I would pull my hair out if I were a trucker and had to deal with the clueless four wheelers who don't grasp the concept of watching their rear mirrors and getting outta the way of that Peterbuilt hauling 70,000 lbs. on a downhill grade.
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