Thread: My day
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Old 02-26-2022, 03:51 PM   #1
King of Rants
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Default My day

Sorry I've been pretty quiet today on the board. Went to the "original" pancake house for breakfast with the family this AM. Then i tried smoking some cigars but my palate hates me today so I've been resting it and only now is it coming back to normal. There are days when my palate wants to only taste saltiness or a savory undertone to everything and I can't taste the sugars in the tobacco that I love. Hopefully tomorrow my palate will be better and after church I'll post a review. I just watched a great documentary called "Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in his own words" and it's a fascinating look at a very quiet man. So, i've been buried in that and actually recommend it if that is your political cup of tea. There are certain men i hold in high esteem other than my father and certainly Justice Thomas is one of them. Please forgive me my more liberal friends i mean no disrespect and don't want some political dogfight. I just really enjoyed the documentary. Anyways, that's kind of been my day. Just another beautiful south Florida day watching the tides roll away. God bless you all and have a blessed sunday!
“When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name.” Spurgeon
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