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Old 02-25-2022, 02:30 PM   #2
Man in Black!!!
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Default Re: One of the times I almost died

At 19 years old I was in a car accident. Coming around a long bend and lost control struck a concrete light post and snapped it in half and it was balancing on top of my car. Friends were in a another car ahead of me and did not see me come out of the area so they circled back and had to go all the way around and come back. When they found me, I was under the back of the car looking at the gas tank. I struck the Pole so hard I bent the door down about a foot as I flew out of the car landed on the ground the car swung around and bounced on my chest and pinned my legs and me under the car. At the time I weighed over 300 pounds so there was a lot of force. I pulled the steering column up toward the side door I was hanging on so tight. When my friends found me I remember one saying oh my God. I must have looked pretty bad with half my body sticking out from behind the car. I remember thinking I was going to die and the car would explode I reached out and I undid the gas tank cap thinking that would help relieve the pressure if there was any. I was also worried I was going to jail as I had a pound of weed in my trunk. So I told my friends to get it out and move it. I also told him I needed to get out from underneath the car. One of my friends that was like 120 pounds soaking wet, but I remember him lifting the back of the car as another friend pulled me out. When I got to the hospital they came into the room and told me that I had possibly punctured the main artery to my heart and I was going to die And then they just walked out of the room. They came back in a few minutes and said they would need to run a test which was inserting a long metal rod glowing red from my crotch to my heart that was done without any pain medication and being a big boy I reached up and grabbed the attendee by his collar yanked him to my face and told him to take it out now. Well the good news they said if you didn’t Puncture the main artery to your heart. But we were going to need to do x-rays and we can’t give you any pain medication so many many x-rays were taken as they roll me back-and-forth with no pain meds. Outcome broken back T1 T7 that is from your neck down about 10 inches. But what blew their minds was they watched my spin go from curved out of place to straight back up in a section of x-rays. That is when I know that the Lord I had put behind me was alive and well and working miracles again in my life. They said I would need surgery or I could just Lay in bed and hope that in months time the vertebrae would grow back together. I chose surgery and good thing I did as the vertebrae was way out of pocket and they needed rods to hold it in place. The surgery went well I was in a body cast from my head to my waist (6 months) but was still paralyzed from the waist down. There was a male nurse who would not give up, he would come in at night and help me stand up and walk me like Frankenstein down the hall back-and-forth never bending my legs though. After I left the hospital I had a hospital bed at home and a 13 inch black-and-white TV at the foot of the bed. My mom was a school teacher and had to go to work. So she would turn it on before she left and I would watch the same station till she got back home at four or 5 o’clock. I started back to church with my friends who had now all became Christians because of what they saw me go through. We started back at small little white church where they believed strongly in laying hands. They watched me come in one week in a wheelchair and then next week coming back on a walker and then shortly walking with a cane. So that’s one of my brushs with death. Again it shows you God used me and my accident to bring eight of my friends to the Lord. One of them is even a minister and started his own church in a small bad area and is still going strong today. I am one of the very few at the time had ever survive this type of break and was not paralyzed.
"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions." "Hav-a-na nice day"
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