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Old 02-19-2022, 02:08 PM   #1
King of Rants
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Default Trip to Gatlinburg

We went to Gatlinburg Tenn. in october last year and while there we ate at 3 places i have to recommend

The Greenbriar restaurant.
Best steak i've ever had. Get the meatball appetizer as well. expect to drop at least $200 for parties 3 and up. We begged for the meatball recipe but they wouldn't give it up

Seasons 101.
two words, Jazz chicken. that's all i'll say but it was amazing. The chefs there worked at the greenbriar and after dinner came out and gave us the meatball recipe which was really cool. at least $150 and up for parties large as 3 and up.

Crocketts breakfast camp.
the only breakfast i've ever waited 1 hour and 45mins to be seated and afterwards it was worth it. A great breakfast but learn from me and go online to get on the waiting list. They'll hold your table for 15mins. Don't be a chump like me and get on the waiting list as you arrive

anyways, it's a slow day and i thought i'd share these with you because i'm bored. God bless you all!
“When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name.” Spurgeon
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