Thread: Wetting a cigar
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Old 01-04-2022, 09:37 AM   #9
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Default Re: Wetting a cigar

This can be a good technique, especially with dry, thin wrappers. I don't do it for 5 seconds, like many youtube videos do, but instead quickly turn the cigar under the tap, shake it off, and then wrap in a tissue to remove excess moisture.

I haven't done this in years, but have some sticks that came in over humidified and now have somewhat loose caps that are fragile. I've been using a punch on these with excellent success, but maybe I should retry wetting.

Thanks for posting this. I had almost forgotten this technique. I'd hate to think that I forgot something that can help save a cigar from unwrapping and also enhance the flavor.

We should put this in the newsletter.
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