you'll have to forgive the mess. The amp in pic #1 is a custom 68 reverb deluxe (best amp i've owned yet
The rats nest of straps in pic #2 are
amp in the background is a carving SX-100 british invasion series
the guitars are
white is a 96 Jimmie Vaughan fender strat
the blue les paul is a dreaded 2015 Les paul studio and it sounds great and plays great despite the stories
The epiphone les paul special is from 2020 inspired by gibson and the best $400 I've spent
the tele is a Baja telecaster 50's and its a boat anchor but sounds amazing
the black strat type guitar is my first ever electric and it's a US made peavy predator from 92 with a loaded rene martinez mojo tone pick guard so basically a partscaster
and last in pic #2 is a 72 fender tele and i LOVE it
the final guitar in pic #3 needs no introduction as it was a christmas gift last year and i love it so much it hurts. the SRV signature strat.
I also have a high end fender acoustic not pictured back when fender tried to make high end acoustics and failed. they still made fairly good acoustics though and it rings like a bell. So, that's what I've got plus pedals galore. I hope that entices others to post some pics.