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Old 09-09-2021, 11:28 PM   #11
Chutney Lovebusciut
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Default Re: Remembering 9/11 - 20 years later - your story

Woke up like any other day. Didn't have to be in the station (worked in radio at the time) till the afternoon as I had a Dr's. appointment. Went to the garage where I did partake in the consumption of the Devil's Lettuce as was my routine. Turned on the local sports radio station and they were doing a charity bowling event live. They then mentioned something about a tower had come down and the other wasn't looking good and then started to explain what was going on. I then went to turn on the tv and just as I sat down, the second tower fell. I just sat still for a long time. Don't even know how long.

I had to get to the station because it was on automation playing oldies music and I knew I had to get that off the air. I made it to the station and made the announcement that I was joining the local news station that we had permission to broadcast their signal on our frequency. Stayed with that until sign-off that night.
The path to loyalty is trust.
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