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Old 07-25-2021, 06:04 AM   #6
Brian D.
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Default Re: Marsh Wheeling replacement????

Originally Posted by Onefreetexan View Post
Thank you Wharf Rat, those look pretty good, I am going to try some.
However, I just learned that Marsh Wheeling stogies have not been discontinued, that they were bought out and moved to Frankfort, IN…..they claim to make several sizes and flavors. However, I am only interested in the long ones, in the original.
Yes, Marsh Wheeling was acquired by National Cigars. And they became part of Camacho, which was then
bought by Davidoff Cigars. I remind the Davidoff/Avo/Camacho representative of that fact when he does events.

It's been ten years or more ago, but I got a tour of the Marsh Wheeling factory. Cool old place. Even then they were only using the place for storage.
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