Thread: New cigars?
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Old 07-20-2021, 09:50 PM   #1
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Default New cigars?

For many years I have smoked down my collection until I was almost through. I finally bought some new boxes some of my favorite CCs that were on sale. They are good, but not as good as the ones I just finished off. Maybe the ones I had were better to me because I like the aged taste. Maybe they were better to begin with. Hard to tell right now.

I think I am going to get some NCs that I always liked before but I am a bit pissed off at the prices. Maybe I would be better off just getting more CCs and waiting it out While slowly going through them. Or shopping sales? There never seems to be the ones I want on sale, or even in stock. Dang, this hobby used to be easy. I would hate to lay in a supply while the quality is on a dip. But it may get worse. Or if I wait, it will turn around.
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