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Old 07-18-2021, 08:58 AM   #9
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Is Portland pizza profound

Originally Posted by The Poet View Post
The tastiest pizza I ever had is a tight race between a place near Vanderbilt in Nashville and one in Sterling NJ. The worst? I'd have to go with the standard Pizza Hut offering, with its cracker-like excuse for a crust the main flaw. Thus I'd have to say THAT is the most over-rated, as there are nearly 19,000 of these spots worldwide.
I'm with you on Pizza Hut. I'd rather eat a sodium-bomb Digiorno pizza than Pizza Hut.

Best pizza I ever had was a frutti di mara pie in Pordenone, Italy.
Best in the US was in West Haven, Ct. It's been a couple of decades, though, and I can't remember the name of the place.
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