Thread: LONSDALE love!
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Old 06-05-2021, 07:18 PM   #24
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Default Re: LONSDALE love!

Padron 1964 Anniversary Series corona natural (6" x 42). Last one from a box from...2014? 2015?

I won a box of these on the Famous auction site years ago for a RIDICULOUSLY low price (less than $170). I honestly was kinda underwhelmed by them and only held onto them to give them away to other BOTL. Now that I think about it, I think I've only smoked 4-5 cigars from this box, and this is the last one.

It's a pretty good smoke. A bit of a crooked burn. Good draw. Good enough flavors, but not much depth. I feel like this is a NC that definitely does not improve with age. One thing I noticed is that drinking wine with this cigar makes the flavor pop a little more. If you took the band off this cigar and I smoked it blind, I'd be a buyer at under $10. I guess that's why I'm not in love with this cigar. It's good, but it just ain't worth the coin.
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