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Old 03-29-2021, 07:30 AM   #25
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Default Re: Finance - Which to pay first?

I am currently in a similar situation. Several years ago my wife and I were able to be debt free. Flash forward some years and our autos were getting older and we had to buy newer vehicles. I also went into a part time business doing lawncare and have made pretty good money doing it. I paid off the wife's new car we bought in 2016 in about two years. Now I have a truck financed and an almost 10K lawnmower I bought last spring. I did retire from my full-time job in November 2020. Drawing my state retirement and doing lawncare exclusively now. I have paid extra on the truck and the mower and right now I owe about 7K on the mower, and I recently refinanced the truck with my credit union from the dealer financing expressly for the reason Moses had with the principal payments no going to principal with a transfer or online payment at the other bank. The refinance of the truck extended the original term a few months but made the payment almost 50 bucks a month less but I am still at the least paying the same payment as before. As soon as the lawncare gets going full force (prolly next month) I will then be able to throw about 1500 or 2000 a month at one or both loans. I have waffled back and forth on which one to pay. The regular payment on the mower is $208 a month and the truck is now $458 a month. On the one hand the mower is a no interest for 48 months so there is no savings to be had for paying early. The truck interest is 3 point something so there is savings to be had there. But I also in the past have attacked the lower balance stuff first and had good results. so I think I will hit the mower first since in maybe three to four months it will be paid off. Now that I am semi retired the wife and I would like to buy a travel trailer so we can explore the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee and be more mobile than renting the same cabin like we have for the last few years. But I have made my mind up that we will wait until the truck and mower are paid off before buying.
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