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Old 03-17-2021, 07:31 AM   #35
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Default Re: Club Stogie circa 2001.

I will be checking that out and thanks for posting it Paul. I had joined CS not too long before the change. There are still a couple people I wonder whatever happened to from there. A few made the switch to CA but dropped off the radar soon after. Like Al. screen name was ahc3453 I think. Al came over and I just looked but it's been since 2012 since he logged in. I still remember when we were in Massachusetts and learned my mother in law had perished back home in a house fire. We had to load up and head back the 1100 miles to get home. Actually somewhere on the Garden State Parkway Al called me on the phone to offer his condolences. It was my introduction to the cigar world and I have very fond memories.
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